
BA courses

Spring 2021: Epistemology (Teoria del coneixement). University of Barcelona (syllabus)

Fall 2020: Philosophy of Mind (Filosofía de la mente). Autonomous University of Madrid (syllabus)

Spring 2020: Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Science (Debates contemporáneos en filosofía de la ciencia). Autonomous University of Madrid (with P. Olmos & A. Sánchez)

Fall 2019: Philosophy of Mind (Filosofía de la mente). Autonomous University of Madrid (syllabus)

Spring 2019: Epistemology (Teoría del conocimiento). Autonomous University of Madrid (with J. Vega)

Fall 2018: Philosophy of Mind (Filosofía de la mente). Autonomous University of Madrid (with J. Vega)

MA courses

Spring 2022: Topics in Epistemology. Aphil, Master in Analytic Philosophy. University of Barcelona (syllabus)

Fall 2015: MA & M.Phil Research Seminar in Epistemology and Philosophy of Mind. KU Leuven. Topic: Topics in the Intersection of Epistemology and Philosophy of Mind (syllabus)​

Fall 2014: MA & M.Phil Research Seminar in Epistemology and Philosophy of Mind. KU Leuven. Topic: Luck, Epistemic Luck, and Epistemic Agency (syllabus)

Other courses

Training courses

Fall 2020: Training course 'Research Methods in Philosophy' (IMPLANTA project UAM: Métodos de Investigación Filosófica y Filosofía Académica) Autonomous University of Madrid (with J. Vega & P. Olmos)

Feb 7, 2019: Workshop on Research Methods in Philosophy (INNOVA project UAM: Métodos de Investigación Filosófica y Filosofía Académica) Autonomous University of Madrid (with J. Vega)


Spring 2011: Tutorial in Logic. University of Girona